- 🏷️Tags : #2022-11 #devops
- Link: Okteto CLI | Okteto 文檔
- Github: okteto/okteto: Develop your applications directly in your Kubernetes Cluster
- okteto.yml doc : Okteto Manifest | Okteto Documentation
- youtober nana 介紹
- use github account login : tommyunistar : (企業帳號)
- k8s 開發環境
- scoop install okteto
📝 怎麼玩¶
Install and Configure | Okteto Documentation
okteto kubeconfig
okteto context use https://cloud.okteto.com
okteto context list
okteto ns list
okteto init
$ okteto --help
Okteto - Remote Development Environments powered by Kubernetes
okteto.exe [command]
Available Commands:
analytics Enable / Disable analytics
build Build and push the images defined in the 'build' section of your okteto manifest
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
context Set the default context
deploy Execute locally the list of commands specified in the 'deploy' section of your okteto manifest
destroy Destroy everything created by the 'okteto deploy' command
doctor Generate a zip file with the okteto logs
down Deactivate your development container
endpoints Show endpoints for an environment
exec Execute a command in your development container
help Help about any command
init Automatically generate your okteto manifest
# 下載 k8s credentials
kubeconfig Download credentials for the Kubernetes cluster selected via 'okteto context'
namespace Configure the current namespace of the okteto context
pipeline Pipeline management commands
preview Preview environment management commands
status Status of the synchronization process
up Launch your development environment
update Update Okteto CLI version
version View the version of the okteto binary
okteto context use https://cloud.okteto.com --token $YOUR_TOKEN
k8s context switch¶
okteto (like kubectl)¶
$ okteto ns list
Namespace Status
prod-tommyunistar Active
tommyunistar * Active
$ okteto ns delete qa-tommyunistar
✓ Namespace 'qa-tommyunistar' deleted
test pod¶
$ kubectl apply -f ./mongodb.yaml
deployment.apps/mongodb-deployment created
service/mongodb-service created
Development Environments | Okteto Documentation
git clone https://github.com/okteto/movies-with-helm
cd movies-with-helm
okteto up
使用 Okteto 設置開發環境涉及兩個主要步驟:
- 部署您的應用程序代碼
- 用於
okteto up
open cloud console