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  • 研究 zipkin 點到這個功能


1. 收費狀況

  • 50 hours/month
  • Public & private repos
  • 4 parallel workspaces
  • 30min inactivity timeout


  • install chrome plugin

📝 怎麼玩

Start your first workspace

The best way to configure Gitpod is by using Gitpod - you could perform the following steps in your local environment as well, but we may as well experience ephemeral developer environments right from the beginning.

  1. In a browser, navigate to your project’s GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket page.
  2. In the browser’s address bar, prefix the entire URL with and press Enter.
  3. Sign in with one of the listed providers and let the workspace start up.

客制化 環境:but 預設就有很多功能 (mvn gradle java) , 所以不需要加

touch .gitpod.yml

      file: .gitpod.Dockerfile

touch .gitpod.Dockerfile

    FROM gitpod/workspace-full
    USER gitpod
    RUN bash -c ". /home/gitpod/.sdkman/bin/ && \
        sdk install java 17.0.3-ms && \
        sdk default java 17.0.3-ms"